Fundraising Obligation at St. Therese

Rather than having MANY events with specific obligations, we have one financial obligation for each family.

Dual-parent household – $500 (fundraised or donated)

Single-parent household – $250 (fundraised or donated)

You are not expected to figure out how to fundraise on your own – but come to Parents’ Club meetings and share your ideas. We are always better together!

How can I raise these funds?

Parents’ Club and the school work together to plan 2 or 3 major fundraisers per year – the first one of the year is going to be the annual jog-a-thon. We will set goals for each fundraiser, and as long as your family meets each goal you are on track to meeting your obligation for the year.

What if I raise my entire obligation in one fundraiser?

Then you are done for the year – or you can keep working at it and bring in even more funds for the school.

Why is there a fundraising obligation?

We are able to keep our tuition prices low when the families work together and raise money for our operating costs each year. The more money you raise, the more likely we are to keep tuition stable and even give tuition assistance to those families that need it.

What happens if my family doesn't meet our fundraising goal?

Unfortunately, your obligation to the school is the same whether you raise the funds or write the check. Whatever funds your family is unable to raise or get donated from other sources, you will be billed for the balance.

Fair Share Obligation at St. Therese

Each family is required to give their time to our school – we are better together!

Dual-parent household – 20 hours

Single-parent household – 10 hours

How can I meet this requirement?

Read the weekly newsletter for opportunities to support the school! Some opportunities include:

  • ​Helping with lunch setup and cleanup
  • Volunteering to chaperone field trips
  • Being a room parent in your child’s classroom
  • Attending Parents’ Club meetings
  • Running the concession stand or being site monitor at sports events
  • Coaching a team

How can record/report my volunteer hours?

Click on the button above and complete the form for each event or stop in the office to complete the form by hand.